Craig County Middle/High School

Use Of Personal Electronic Devices 

(Updated July 9, 2024)

The Craig County School Board recognizes that student access to cell phones and other electronic devices is common in current society. It is imperative, however, that students, parents, and staff understand there are appropriate and inappropriate times for the use of such devices. Schools must provide a learning environment free of unnecessary distraction and disruption. The Craig County School Board establishes expectations for student conduct so that public education is conducted in a safe and respectful atmosphere, free of disruption and threat to persons or property, and supportive of individual rights.

Expectations for Students
The use of cell phones (and all other personal electronic devices including, but not limited to headphones, earbuds, smart watches, gaming devices, tablets, and other Bluetooth-enabled or Wi-Fi capacity devices) is prohibited during the regular school day (8:00-3:45). Upon students’ arrival at school, and continuing through dismissal from school, cell phones and other electronic devices are required to be out of visible sight and either silenced or powered off. Cell phones and other electronic devices must be placed out of sight in a backpack, in a personal bag or pocket book, or in a school provided locker. Failure to comply with this expectation will result in
the following actions:

First offense--Parent/guardian contacted, verbal warning, and device will be confiscated until the end of the day. In school or after school detention may be assigned.

Second offense--Parent/guardian contacted, the device will be confiscated, and the parent or guardian must retrieve the device from school. In school or after school detention will be assigned

Third offense--Parent/guardian contacted, the device will be confiscated, and the parent or guardian must retrieve the device from school. In addition, for a period of 30 calendar days, the student shall be restricted from possessing a cell phone or electronic device at school during instructional hours. The student will be required to check their device into the office at arrival, and retrieve it following dismissal. Students who violate this restriction will be subject to further discipline, including after school detention, Saturday school, and/or suspension.

 Cell phones and other electronic devices may be used
-  When students are attending non-instructional afterschool events/activities;
-  When students have a documented medical exception approved by the school principal, school nurse, or physician;
-  When students are riding the school bus, as long as such use is not distracting or disruptive. 
Students must use earbuds or headphones when listening to music or watching videos while on the bus.
-  If needed for a class (i.e Computer Science)

Students and Parents are encouraged to leave cell phone devices at home if possible. Craig County Public Schools shall not be responsible for theft, damage, or loss of cell phones or other electronic devices. CCPS reserves the right to ban individual cell phones or electronic devices for major infractions or repeated violations of this policy.

Parental Involvement and Responsibility
Each parent of a student enrolled in Craig County Public Schools has a duty to assist in enforcing this policy, along with the Standards of Student Conduct. Parents are encouraged to limit and monitor the use of cell phones and electronic devices for all students. For more information about “How digital media is changing our children’s mental health”, see the link or the CCPS website.

Expectations for Teachers and Other School Personnel

 Teachers and other school personnel are expected to strictly enforce this policy so that students experience consistent expectations and consequences in all school settings. Teachers and other school personnel who confiscate devices must store the device in a safe place until the first available opportunity to turn it over to school administration for safe keeping and documentation. Cell phones or electronic devices will remain in storage until retrieved by the appropriate persons. Confiscated devices may be retrieved during normal school office hours or at specific times designated by the principal or designee.

Teachers and other school personnel are expected to model expectations and are prohibited from using cell phones and other electronic devices during scheduled class time or other times when personnel are responsible for the instruction and/or direct supervision of students.Teachers and other school personnel may use cell phones when on break, during planning time, and to communicate with staff on school-related issues.

Prohibited Conduct
1. Using cell phones or other electronic devices to:
a. tease, bully, intimidate, threaten or harass another individual
b. collaborate with, encourage, or incite others to participate in violent or unlawful acts on school property or at school-sponsored activities. This includes creating and sharing video of an act in a manner that causes a disruption or disturbance.
c.  create, possess, exchange, distribute, post, or transmit any photograph, digitized image, or video of a person in any condition of nudity, or a person engaged in any sexual act, or illegal action prohibited by state or federal law.

2. Refusing to surrender a cell phone or other electronic device when directed to do so by school personnel. Such refusal shall result in school suspension or other disciplinary action.

Students engaging in such conduct are subject to disciplinary action. At a minimum, the cell phone or other electronic device will be confiscated and used as evidence, and the student will be restricted from possessing a cell phone or electronic device at school for the remainder of the school year. Other consequences, including short or long-term suspension or expulsion, may apply based on the outcome of the investigation.